Announcing our first new titles of 2021
Some real treats from returning Fahrenheit superstars for you this week
Hola Fahrenhistas,
Right, it’s taken us the first few weeks of 2021 to recover from 2020 and get our ducks in a row, but this week we’re officially back on the publishing horse.
We’re delighted to announce THREE new titles this week.
Two of the books we want to tell you about should have been published last year but like so many other plans they got scuppered by the pandemic.
We’re hoping all that antici……………………………. pation will have got you salivating to let’s just jump straight in…
Introducing the 3rd book in The Adventures Of Chastity Flame series by Kate Laity…
In A CUT-THROAT BUSINESS our hero Chastity Flame returns with all her usual joyful sexual abandon and top class, spy malarky - if you’ve read the first two books you’ll totally know what to expect, and if you haven’t slip into something more comfortable, pour yourself a glass of wine and buckle-up.
If you’ve yet to have the pleasure of spending time with our girl Chastity you can catch up over the weekend as we’ve knocked a couple of quid off ALL 3 BOOKS.
Also published today is the 3rd book in Ricky Bush’s hugely popular Crime Fighting Bluesmen series
Existing fans of this series will know that Ricky effortlessly weaves his encyclopedic knowledge of Blues music into hugely enjoyable thrilling stories - we think with HOWLING MOUNTAIN BLUES he’s raised an already high bar even higher and taken this series to a whole new level.
If you haven’t dived into this series yet we really urge you to go have a look - they really are something special.
The 3rd new book we have for you this week is one that we know a huge number of you have been waiting for - after a wait of THREE YEARS we can finally announce the latest addition to Duncan MacMaster’s hugely loved Kirby Baxter series.
DROP THE MIKES will be published on the 12th February 2021 and is NOW AVAILABLE for pre-order at a SPECIAL PRE-PUBLICATION PRICE.
In DROP THE MIKES our hero Kirby Baxter returns with all the usual gang in tow when they get wrapped up in a murder mystery set in the midst of a disastrous music festival being held on a tropical island. (No, you shut it - the lawyers have said we’re not allowed to mention the festival you’re all thinking about - we can’t stop you thinking it though).
If you haven’t read Duncan’s other Kirby Baxter books we REALLY recommend you do - he’s widely regarded as one of the VERY BEST writers on our roster - and y’all know how tough the competition is.
More Fahrenheit authors put Duncan at the top of their favourite list than any other - which should give you an idea just how good he is.
All 3 of the authors we’ve talked about this week are firm Fahrenheit favourites but we pride ourselves on constantly bringing debut authors to you so over the next couple of months you’re going to start seeing lots of fun promotional stuff coming your way as we introduce you to the four amazing new authors we brought to you in December 2020.
We’re so sure you’re gonna love them that we’re GIVING YOU the first 5 chapters of their books for FREE just to get you hooked.
Okay folks that’s pretty much it for this week, except to remind you that we are in the FINAL 3 DAYS of our JANUARY SALE - so if you want to pick up an awesome book for as little as £5 - you’d better be quick.
Right we’re off to get stuck into some more of the awesome new titles we’ll be bringing you over the next few weeks.
We suggest you go and buy some books so we’ve got the money to pay the printers.
Stay safe, wear a mask and look after each other. Better times are coming.
We kiss you